“Summer Dreams” is an authentic story of the transgender community and illustrates the wide range of trans people's experiences, the problems, prejudices and fears that they face (and some of their own prejudices) — and the fact that being trans is just one facet of their lives. It was inspired by a true incident when the author was about 19.
But let Vicky tell you about Summer Dreams:
I was David, but now I'm Vicky.
I was sunbathing in sand dunes near Bournemouth in 2003, when Roger found me and changed my life. After spending a heavenly holiday with him as Vicky, I just couldn't face reverting to David. I knew, though, that becoming Vicky permanently was impossible.
There was only one option, I tried to kill myself.
Roger saved me then showed how life as Vicky was possible.
Summer Dreams tells of my transition journey, coming out to family and friends and their reactions, some of which were very difficult to deal with, especially Peter my twin brother's and the abuse we faced from him and others.
But being trans is just part of who I am. Roger and I have a normal life too.
But is it too good to last?
Summer Dreams is an adult novel with explicit sex scenes
It is set in 2003-8 when the terms transvestite and transsexual were commonly used.