Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton
Description:... Advance praise for the Second Edition: "The substantial widening of the coverage and the inclusion ofissues that have received increased or revitalized researchinterest since publication of the First Edition will provideunrivalled comprehensiveness."
—Holger Schutkowski, PhD, University of Bradford,UK
"I enthusiastically recommend the publication of this SecondEdition. It is already an excellent volume and [will] no doubtfind its way into many upper-division courses."
—Patricia Lambert, PhD, Utah State University
The First Edition of Biological Anthropology of the HumanSkeleton is the market-leading reference and textbook on thescientific analysis of human skeletal remains recovered fromarchaeological sites. Now, featuring scores of new or thoroughlyrevised content, this Second Edition provides the mostcomprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the topic available.
Like the previous edition, this Second Edition isorganized into five parts with contributing chapters written byexperts in the field of human skeletal biology: Part One coverstheory and application; Part Two discusses morphological analysesof bone, teeth, and age changes; Part Three reviews prehistorichealth and disease; Part Four examines chemical and geneticanalysis of hard tissues; and Part Five closes with coverage ofquantitative methods and population studies. Each chapter includesa review of recent studies, descriptions of analytical techniquesand underlying assumptions, theory, methodological advances, andspeculation about future research.
New or thoroughly revised content includes:
Techniques in the analysis of human skeletal and dentalremains
Extensive coverage of new technologies, including modernmorphometric techniques
Advances in the field of forensic anthropology
Enhanced discussion of ethical terms regarding the study ofaboriginal peoples' remains where those people are no longer thedominant culture
Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, SecondEdition serves as an indispensable research guide to biologicalanthropologists, osteologists, paleoanthropologists, andarchaeologists. Now with a stronger focus on teaching complexmaterial to students, this revised edition provides enhanced casestudies and discussions for future directions, making it aninvaluable textbook for advanced undergraduates and graduatestudents in biological anthropology and forensic anthropologyprograms.
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