We all know that we should manage our money. We have been told to "Spend less than you earn" and "Pay Yourself first". This is great advice, so why don't we do it?
Because we are human,.
We have emotions. We naturally want to solve our problems with the most efficient method we can think of, because we are always trying to avoid pain.
In order to work within our human limitations, "The GAP" uses our emotions against us. This practical book not only tells us what to do, to gain financial freedom, but WHY to do it.
It delves into the compelling reasons that inspire us to do the right thing. Not just "because its the smart thing to do", but because of how it will make you feel. If managing your money makes you feel good, then you will continue to do it.
The money management system
How to invest your money
How to make extra money on the side
How to divide up your take home pay in the most effective way
How to use leverage to maximize your income.
But most importantly:
WHY to invest your money
WHY to make extra money on the side
WHY to divide up your take home pay in the most effective way
WHY to use leverage to maximize your income.
This book speaks to the readers humanity. You are not a machine. Personal finance should not expect you to be.
Manage your money like the RICH, and be thrilled about it.