My Destiny: Lonely, but Never Alone!
A Widow’S Story as a Seasonal Saint
Description:... Prepare You for YOUR DESTINY! A non-fi ction book, my autobiography, I have written about all my bumps and bruises, in pursuit of MY DESTINY!. But since the gifts and callings of God or irrevocable, it has come to past. I pray and hope rhat this book blesses you, because I was blessed in writiig it. I am thankful, to all those who meant evil against me, for God has used it for His good and glory, Amen! Whatever happened to you, allthough it was bad, but if it brought you closer to God-then it really was good! Not my fault - But now my problem! Confi dence: The feeling you have, before you understand the situation! You do not choose Your Destiny! - But Your Destiny! does choose you! Wisdom is better than weapons of war! How you thought it would kill me - But it didnt Adversity does lead to accomplishment! How to accomplish Your Destiny! Destined to walk in love! SEASONS DO CHANGE AND IT IS ABOUT TIME!
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