The Miami Expert
- Author(s): Robert Macala ,
- Publisher: Robert Macala
- Pages: 281
- Language: en
- Categories: History / United States / State & Local / South (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV) ,
Description:... Miami exhausts you with an embarrassment of too much love. Its native culture is a cosmopolitan mix, a home of world languages, its music and melodies have a global rhythm and beat, its kitchen aromas invite you to savor the cuisines of the globe. If you live here, you don't need a passport. Why travel? The world has found a home in the streets of Miami. The Miami Expert is a love story set in the Age of Woke in a Century of conflict and crisis. A love story reminding the reader that love is a sparkling diamond with its multiple facets celebrating the deeper meaning of that simple but amazing four-letter word, LOVE. Miami is so much more than beaches, bikinis, and boating––the one-dimensional public relations cliché version of the Sunshine state. Sure, the weather is idyllic but what about the daily fascination of watching the growth and progress of dynamic urban Miami. America is dynamic, not static and Miami has become American’s 21st century role model. Every day, more and more American citizens from the North and Western states settle in Miami. Joining the waves of new American’s easily assimilating using their own language welcoming them to find their place in the greater American society. America culture is evolving, and you can witness its evolution in the Miami streets and beaches. How all these social changes will affect the rest of America are the challenges that America will face in the future. The Miami Expert witnesses this challenge in a city easy to love because the future of America is right here in the Sunshine State.
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