In an era long-forgotten, the God of Death battled and imprisoned the ancient Arc Demon...
Ever since, the last dragon has served as the guardian of the otherworldly prison. A magical barrier is all that keeps the world of Erisdün safe from the demon’s fiery wrath.
Isolated and in captivity lies a powerful threat that has been plotting revenge for ages.
In Aea's mind, demons, dragons and other fantastical creatures are nothing but legends. However, she will soon find herself sucked into a strife as old as time itself.
To save the world from a menace greater than she ever imagined, Aea follows a path that will only be traversed at the greatest of costs.
Dark, exciting, and set in a unique world, The Keystone Bone trilogy is fantasy tale of epic proportions.
Included in this box set:
Desolation (book 1) – Eons has shrouded the giant dragon in legend. Ancient myths soon become terrifyingly real…
Degradation (book 2) – Lizoors and demons on the loose. The Magio Order in decay. The race for the Keystone Bone continues.
Damnation (book 3) – Escaping the realm of the dead comes at a devastating price.
Click ‘Download Free Sample’ and get a taste for the fast-paced and intriguing fantasy adventure that awaits.