Introducing the QR Code
The Reality and the Magic
Description:... A QR Code primer
A 'starter kit' of information and application ideas for your use as we enter the new dimension of QR Codes.
The reality of QR Codes is that they are matrix type codes (much like the barcodes in universal use today) primarily designed to be scanned by a mobile device. They were developed to accomplish four primary goals:
*To provide immediate connectivity
*To enable fast, multi-directional scanning
*To provide high capacity storage within a small area
*To put unlimited portable information at your fingertips
The magic comes in as we get our heads - and imaginations - around this new technological paradigm; it seems that the virtual magic of this immediate interactive connectivity - held in the palm of our hands - has no limits; once we enter, it goes on and on and on . . .
Take a look at the staggering potential for use in applications ranging from Mobile Marketing to Education and Entertainment, as well as into the worlds of Culture and Fashion as mobile phones and other hand-held devices proliferate globally. Get in on the ground floor with this handbook of practical information, resources, and applications - for fast and easy entry into this new dimension.
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