The Book of Paper
Description:... In the first volume of Post Editions's new series on the creative potential ofseemingly everyday materials, the subject is paper - in amazing depth. This strikingbook asks nine scholars and artists to take a multi-layered look at paper, fromits beginnings in second-century China to surprising contemporary approaches.Essay topics include: species of wasps and hornets that make paper andcardboard remarkably similar to our own; the 18th-century German clergymanwhose life's work was experimenting with various materials to make paper;and Cardboardia, a community of ''visionary architecture.'' Origami masterPaul Jackson writes about ''paper music'' - using paper as an acoustic medium,and Chiaki Morita introduces washi, the Japanese art of hand-made paper from themulberry tree. Stunning black and white photos complete this impeccable package.
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