Intimacy with God
Description:... Today, far too many Christians are leading lives that are no different than non-believers; lives without peace, hope or strength. Consequently, the Body of Christ has become ineffective in carrying out Jesus' Great Commission to make disciples for him. Unless we return to our first love, God, we will continue to struggle with life's issues that rob us of true peace and joy. By developing an intimate, loving relationship with God, we will find true, lasting joy, along with the peace, hope and strength necessary to be salt and light to a world that desperately needs the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Read and discover how to attain true intimacy with God-intimacy that will shed light on God's love for, and expectations of, you as his child. Become a powerful warrior for God, effectively reaching youth and the lost. Your life will never be the same again! Mike LeMay is General Manager of Q90 FM Christian Radio Station in Green Bay, Wisconsin, a non-profit station dedicated to reaching youth with the message of Jesus Christ through positive Christian music. Before becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, Mike spent twenty years in the insurance and financial services field. He left this career to heed God's call into ministry work in 2000. Mike serves on several Christian non-profit boards including Freedom House Ministries, Christians At Work, and The Christian Foundation of Northeast Wisconsin where he serves as Board President. Mike's heart to reach youth has led him to develop Youth Mentorship Programs in his area dedicated to reaching hurting and lost youth with the gospel message. He is married to Nancy, who serves with him at Q90 FM, and has two children, Matthew and Andrea.
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