The Scottish chronicle; or, A complete history and description of Scotland
being an accurate narration of the beginning, increase proceedings, wars, acts, and government of the Scottish nation, from the original thereof unto the year 1585. Together with a particular, and full, and interesting account of all its shires, islands, seas, rivers, lakes, bays, &c. &c. &c. Likewise, its chief cities, towns, universities, bishopricks, dukedoms, earldoms, viscounties, abbies, churches, &c. &c. &c. Also, an useful and entertaining relation of the religion, customs, manners, virtues and vices of the Scots and Picts: and a genuine detail of the birds, beasts, fishes, commodities, natural curiosities, antiquities, minerals, vegetable productions, flowers, herbs, plants, -&c. &c. found in its various regions