Compendium of Bean Diseases
Description:... The purpose of this Compendium of bean Disease is to provide a comprehensive, authoriative, and modern account of bean disease. It is international in scope and practical in emphasis. It is designed to assist in the diagnosis of bean disease, whether in the field, laboratory, or diagnostic clinic, and to provide recommendations for control of ben diseases. The compendium shoud be useful to plant pathologists, crop production specialists, growers, diagnostic clinicians, students, regulatory agents, crop consultants, agribusiness representatives, educators, and others interested in the recognition or management of bean diseases throughout the world. The compendium describes infectious diseses caused by fungi bacteria, nematodes, viruses, and mycoplasmalike organisms and noninfectious disesases caused by abiotic factors, such as moisture stress, temperature stress, pesticides, air pollution, and mineral deficiences and toxicities, It does not deal with insects except to the extent that they are involved in the diseases discussed, for example, as as vectors of viruses.
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