The Power of Love
From the Well of Life
Description:... The POWER OF LOVE, From the Well of Life, is a book written to forever change and challenge us to get it right. We were created out of love and we are Gods expression of His love for us. From the Well of Life, simply means, it was written from life experiences. I hope that you can relate to some of the poetry that has been written. Because we are here on earth, love not hate should be the ruler of the day. The Bible tells us we are to God first, and then we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. If we learn to love God first, we can experience some of the treasures He has planned for us here on earth. However, if we allow hate to rule our lives, the consequences can be quite different. Remember, God has more in-store for us than we can ever imagine if we learn to put Him first. However, because God created us and instilled in us the gift of choice, we must choose to love to be in our lives. I hope this book inspires you to do just that.
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