The Dry Cleaners
All in a Days Work
Description:... Real people, from really different walks of life routinely do business with real professional clothes: Dry Cleaners. Real life extensive encounters for real life viewers of the best reality show!When nice clothes get real dirty, most people want to make them real clean. Real people from really different walks of life routinely do business with real professional clothes dry cleaners. A really hardworking business owner with really dependable workers serves some of the city's really interesting people in a local dry cleaning establishment.Picture a really young bride to be, bringing a secondhand dingy white wedding dress in to be specially cleaned and pressed. She then receives the unsolicited advice from an older woman waiting nearby concerning a really superstitious fable of getting married in a pre-owned wedding dress. Yes, it's real late in the day, and the wedding ceremony is scheduled tomorrow.Really satisfied customers express real gratitude for their garments being pressed professionally. On the other hand, dissatisfied customers really show their disappointment with the service they received. The owner operator is always working and wearing many real hats to achieve a real happy medium.From real expensive garments and suits, to really cheap and offensive casual items, the list of laundry and dry cleaning items also includes real big household items, of which some are really much filthier than others.
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