The Convener and Organizing Secretary express our grateful thanks to the research
scholars, students and staff who are responded to our invitation and for sending
research/review articles on various subthemes of „Recent Developments and
Applications of Physico-Chemical Characterization Techniques‟. We express our
gratitude to resource persons Professor C.Venkata Rao, Sri Venkateswara
University, Tirupati; Professor Srinivas R. Popuri, West Indies and Dr. M. Chandra
Sekhar, Ethiopia for their valuable and useful lectures to the participants
throughout the seminar. We thank our president Dr .Rayapati Srinivas, Secretary
and Correspondent Sri.J.Murali Mohan, principal Dr. I. NageswaraRao and director
Sri. S. R. K. Prasad and IQAC Co-ordinator Sri. P .Gopi Chand for extending their
cooperation in materializing this International seminar. We thank the U.G.C
authorities for sponsoring this seminar on „Recent Developments and Applications
of Physico-Chemical Characterization Techniques‟.