Green Careers in Energy: Energy-Related Jobs in Transportation
Chapter 2 of 8
Description:... Looking for a green job in the transportation field? As part of Peterson's Green Careers in Energy, this eBook offers detailed information on careers in Vehicle Design, Development, Manufacture, and Maintenance; Fuel Cell Development and Applications; Transportation Systems; and Vehicle and Transit System Operations. You'll find up-to-date information on job trends, work environment, career paths, earning potential, education/licensure requirements, and contact information for additional resources.
This eBook also features interviews with individuals working in the green transportation field as well as informative "green" features such as "Nanotechnologies: Promise or Peril," and "Greenest Places to Live and Work in the United States," PLUS "green" tidbits about recharging electric cars, reducing energy for ocean shipping, fuel cell development and application, greening the supply chain, and more! Bonus sections include: "What Does Being Green Mean," which examines the current interest in sustainability and the New Energy for America program, and "Essays on the Importance of Sustainability," which offers insightful articles by individuals at the forefront of environmental organizations, university sustainability efforts, and college training programs.
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