Inter-corporate Ownership
Description:... The Inter-Corporate Ownership directory is a directory of information on inter-corporate ownership relationships between Canada's leading corporations. It tracks the ownership of the largest Canadian corporations and provides timely data reflecting recent corporate takeovers and other substantial changes. Ultimate corporate control is determined through a careful study of holdings by corporations, the effects of options, insider holdings, convertible shares and interlocking directorships. The information that is presented is based on non-confidential returns filed by Canadian corporations under the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act (CALURA). The Inter-Corporate Ownership directory is an unique directory of "who owns what" in Canada and currenctly contains over 89,000 entries. The data is presented in an easy-to-read tiered format, illustrating at a glance the hierarchy of subsidiaries within each corporate structure. The entries for each corporation provide both the country of control and the country of residence. As well, the inclusion of the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code permits study by industrial sector. The corporate ownership section lists the names of all holding and held companies, and the respective ownership percentages. Some of the data provided include the legal corporate name(s), the country of control, the Standard Industrial Classification code, the province of head office, the enterprise parent name, the percentage of voting rights owned, whether control resides in a different enterprises, and the tiers of ownership.
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