A Speller's Companion to Biology
A Side-By-Side Guide to Accompany Everything You Need to Ace Biology in One Big Fat Notebook
Description:... Looking for adapted academic materials for students who spell to communicate? This companion guide is based on the 2022 edition of Everything You Need to Ace Biology in One Big Fat Notebook. While the original text has end-of-chapter questions already included, they are not always structured ideally for communication practice.The structure of the practice opportunities in this guide follows the Language Ladder created by Communication for Education, which provides a range of response opportunities for students of varying skill levels.A language ladder is a structure that provides us with a path toward open-ended communication. It is a scaffolding concept that helps us know when we need to make a question easier to meet our students where they are in their communication needs while honoring their ability to answer age-appropriate reasoning questions.In this guide, you will find directions to read certain sections of the text in the original book and then return to the questions provided. Each set of questions includes opportunities to respond at every step of the language ladder. Your student may not be ready to answer at all levels - pick the ones that work for YOU.
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