Life on the Altar
The Life We Are Called to Live
Description:... The themes set forth in Romans 12, where believers are called to present themselves to God as living sacrifices, drive the conversation in this book (Romans 12:1). As we will see, this is not a call to a physical altar in a temple or building. Rather, we are summoned to the altar of God's presence through the finished work of Christ on our behalf. Therefore, the Christian life is presenting ourselves to Him every moment, of every day, all the days of our life. This is what I am calling, "Life on the altar," and it is the life believers are called to live.If you are a Christian who wants to align, or realign, your life commitments with the purposes of God, this book is for you. But it is also for those who have not tasted the goodness of God's grace found in Christ. The message of this book is extended to you as well. My prayer is that you would come to Christ with the open arms of faith and join us as we seek to live for Him.
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