The History and Ecology of Fire in Kejimkujik National Park
Description:... This study illustrates the significant role fire has played in the history of Kejimkujik National Park, one of the most fire-prone areas in the Acadian forest of Nova Scotia. Functional correlation between past fire occurrences and present-day forest ecology was determined using data drawn from a blending of both field & archival sources. The data were employed to determine the park's historic fire regime, to define the role of fire as a driving force in forest succession & retrogression, and to identify the park's signature pattern of post-fire forest communities & seral stages. The results reveal the significance of fire in sustaining the ecological integrity of the park and in providing a contextual framework for effective fire management. Appendices include lists of plant species found in the park, copies of forms used in the field studies, data on forest age structure & tree density, summaries of historical fire reports & archival data on fires in the park, information on fire scar physiognomy & sampling, and copies of available Parks Canada fire reports for the park, 1968-2000.
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