Big Deals and Little Deals and What to Do When They Happen to You
Problem Solving Skills for Children, Geades PK-4
Description:... At long last, simple and clear-cut guidelines for helping children differentiate big deals - situations that require adult intervention and little deals - those things children are capable of handling on their own. Eliminate the need to give constant reminders to "Stop tattling." Instead, empower children by prompting, "Is it a big deal or a little deal?" Once they have learned the difference and know the strategies, they are better equipped to cope with and handle life's everyday difficulties independently. BONUS CD with * the story in an interactive format along with lessons to use on your interactive whiteboards. * 11 posters in pdf format that you can print and display, * tent signs for the students' desks to remind them of the strategies to handle little deals on their own, * song lyrics sung to the tune of "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and * other reproducible worksheets.
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