The Appalachian Trail
Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Parks and Recreation of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, United States Senate, Eighty-ninth Congress, First Session, on S.622, a Bill to Facilitate the Management, Use, and Public Benefits from the Appalachian Trail, a Scenic Trail Designed Primarily for Foot Travel Through Natural Or Primitive Areas, and Extending Generally from Maine to Georgia; to Facilitate and Promote Federal, State, Local, and Private Cooperation and Assistance for the Promotion of the Trail, and for Other Purposes, September 16, 1965
Description:... Considers S. 622, to direct the Interior Dept. to establish management and conservation standards for the trail on Federal lands; to encourage nonfederal owners to conform to standards; and to secure or encourage others to secure rights of way, easements, or agreements relating to trail use.
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