Dynamics, Bifurcation and Symmetry
New Trends and New Tools
Description:... This book collects contributions to the conference" Dynamics, Bifurcation and Symmetry, new trends and new tools", which was held at the Institut d'Etudes Sci entifiques de Cargese (France), September 3-9, 1993. The first aim of this conference was to gather and summarize the work of the European Bifurcation Theory Group after two years of existence (the EBTG links european laboratories in five countries via an EC grant). Thanks to a NATO ARW grant, the conference developed into an international meeting on bifurcation theory and dynamical systems, with the partic ipation of leading specialists not only from Europe but also from overseas countries (Canada, USA, South America). It was a great satisfaction to notice the active, and quite enthusiastic participation of many young scientists. This is reflected in the present book for which many contributors are PhD students or post-doc researchers. Although several "big" themes (bifurcation with symmetry, low dimensional dynam ics, dynamics in EDP's, applications, . . . ) are present in these proceedings, we have divided the book into corresponding parts. In fact these themes overlap in most contributions, which seems to reflect a general tendancy in nonlinear science. I am very pleased to thank for their support the NATO International Exchange Scientific Program as well as the EEC Science Program, which made possible the suc cess of this conference.
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