Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia
Description:... "The number of geriatric psychiatrists, specialty fellowships, and practices has been declining relative to the increase in the number of older adults in the United States, critical shortages in care are the new norm. Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia was designed to address this predicament by enabling primary care providers to access a solid knowledge base and the clinical experience required to meet the needs of their patients with dementia. The author has written a concise yet comprehensive book that covers the full range of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) encountered by patients, families, caregivers, and primary care providers. In addition, the book provides the necessary foundation for distinguishing the different types of dementia, critical elements of patient history needed to develop an appropriate treatment approach, and the basic medical examinations and lab work that should be performed. Each chapter begins with a brief precis, well-written descriptions of the major topic follow. The chapters explore the common types of behavioral and emotional symptoms and the important associated system issues relevant to dementia care, including elder abuse reporting, creation of advance directives and power of attorney arrangements, safety planning, and caregiver support."--Provided by publisher.
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