Table of Contents
6 Logical Volume Management: Beyond Barriers with LVM
8 New Hardkernel Offices: A Mini Tour of the Headquarters
10 Linux Containers: Quickly Prepare a Fully Configured Isolated System for Testing
18 Faro: The Humanoid Goalkeeper Robot
20 Using Android NDK in Android Studio and Gradle: Working with WiringPi in Android
23 Frets on Fire: Release Your Inner Rock Star
24 ODROID-XU4 Multi-boot Scripts: Do It the Easy Way
26 Linux Gaming: Fallout - A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game
30 Reading Temperature and Humidity From an SHT15 Sensor: An Introduction to the GPIO Interface
33 Android Gaming: Five Nights at Freddy’s - Jump Scares and Creepy Toys
34 Fan-Made Zelda Games: Your Favorite Fantasy World Expands
37 ODROID-C1+ OTG Jumper: Solderless USB Power
38 Android Development: Inside the System Server
40 Meet an ODROIDian: Saleem Almajed (@Xeosal), Emerging Technology Expert and Avid Musician
41 Community Wiki: Contribute to the Expanding ODROID Knowledge Base