Description:... This book explains everything you need to know to effectively practice endoscopic ultrasound (EUS). The book's two sections help you learn to manipulate the endoscope and interpret what you see, and offer clear diagnostic guidance on each condition you may come across. "Significantly improved, the 3rd edition of Endosonography remains the premier textbook on EUS by eminent and dedicated teachers of EUS. This textbook belongs on the shelf of anyone who performs EUS." Reviewed by: Todd H Baron & Ian S Grimm, University of North Carolina on behalf of the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy journal, July 2015
- Offers exquisite full-color illustrations with precise representations of Doppler and correlative endoscopy, pathology, and anatomy, to mirror what you see in practice.
- Follows a consistent chapter structure for quick and easy reference.
- Summarizes and analyzes all the evidence for each procedure in an accompanying literature table to save you time in selecting techniques.
- Includes a bonus DVD-ROM with video demonstrations of all EUS procedures to help you understand this dynamic modality.
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