إنفوجرافيك : دليلك إلى الحياة والكون وكل شيء
Infographic Guide to Life, the Universe and Everything
Description:... 80 صورة تعبيرية تمثل كل ما أردت معرفته عن الحياة والكون وكل شيء بطريقة جميلة، اكتشف ... كم يستغرق الوصول إلى الأرض عند السقوط من قمة برج إيفيل؟ ما المدة المثالية المطلوبة للنوم؟ ما كمية الزرنيخ الموجود في أجسامنا؟ ما أكثر الأماكن رطوبة في العالم؟ كم ثمن مقلة العين في السوق السوداء؟ كيف يمكن أن يكون يومنا 47 ساعة؟ ما حجم نجم الموت قياسًا بالأرض؟
العبيكان 2017
100 stunning, ingenious and absorbing infographics reveal the secrets of life, the universe and everything!Discover unique, witty and surprising facts about all sorts of natural phenomena, from the secrets of the universe to the wonders of natural science and the impenetrable dimensions of quantum physics. Scientific facts are presented in a memorable, surprising and illuminating way.
More than just a book of words, with graphs, Venn diagrams and charts, this book provides a unique overview of surprising and fantastic aspects of life, the universe and everything in 100 unique infographics.
Driving You Crazy - The theory of a major city's traffic flow system explained
Is the Earth in danger? The Torino Scale - Assesses the impact hazard associated with near-Earth objects, such as asteroids and comets
Mass Extinction Events - Comparisons according to: When they happened, what caused them, which organisms were affected and what percentage of total species were killed off
What is a Greenhouse gas? - What makes up the 'greenhouse house' and who's emitting the most - comparison by country and cause of emission
Future Population Pyramid - How we are ageing via pyramids for each continent
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