Career, Aptitude and Selection Tests
Match Your IQ, Personality and Abilities to Your Ideal Career
Description:... With the wide range of jobs currently on the market, it is often difficult for job seekers to pinpoint exactly what they want to do. Now in its third edition, this no-nonsense workbook points readers in the right direction. With a range of IQ tests and searching questionnaires, it helps job seekers work out what area of work they should be focusing on by identifying their interests and strengths and scientifically interpreting which jobs they are suited to.
Compiled by a psychometric testing specialist and bestselling author, this book has three main aims: careers guidance, preparation and personal performance improvement. It works on the principle that self knowledge enables readers to relate their own personal characteristics to career opportunities. At the same time, it provides an opportunity to prepare for the types of psychometric tests likely to be encountered while job seeking. It also aims to improve performance by demonstrating how to apply aptitudes and personal qualities at work.
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