Energy Intensive Industries Compensation Scheme
Sixth Report of Session 2012-13, Report, Together with Formal Minutes, Oral and Written Evidence
Description:... The Environmental Audit Committee believes the Government's £250 million compensation scheme to help energy intensive companies with the cost of carbon must be tightened up to avoid over-compensating large companies already profiting from the over allocation of EU Emissions Trading System allowances. The Committee scrutinised the Government's proposal for a compensation scheme to help offset some of the future electricity price rises that energy intensive industries will face as a result of the EU Emissions Trading System and the Government's Carbon Price Floor. Across Europe a large surplus of emission allowances in the EU Emissions Trading System worth 4.1 billion Euros had been accrued by large industrial companies as a result of pre-recession overly optimistic forecasts of growth and fierce lobbying by heavy industry. Sales of these allowances had already raised 1.8 billion Euros for these companies. In the UK, the Government's proposed rules do not take the value of these excess allowances into account when calculating compensation. The Committee also calls for an energy intensive industries strategy, as part of a wider UK manufacturing strategy, to set out a path for their maximum feasible decarbonisation and help guide and support companies to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. Such a strategy should identify by how much these industries can feasibly decarbonise and improve their energy efficiency and how the Government will help to ensure that this is achieved, including through energy consumption reduction measures and incentives, and support for innovation, technological research, development and investment.
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