Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement (1918-2018)
Toward a New Perception and Reception
Description:... Extensive work is a result of four year research within the international project Women's Creativity since the Modern Movement, and brings new insights into women in architecture, construction, design, urban planning and landscape architecture in Europe and in the rest of the world. It is divided into eight chapters that combine 116 articles on topics: A. Women’s education and training: National and international mappings; B. Women’s legacy and heritage: Protection, restoration and enhancement; C. Women in communication and professional networks; D. Women and cultural tourism; E. Women’s achievements and professional attainments: Moving boundaries; F. Women and sustainability: City and Landscape; G. Women ‘as subjects’: Documentation, methodology, interpretation and enhancement; SG. Design drawings.
/ Obsežno delo je plod štiriletnih raziskav v okviru mednarodnega projekta MoMoWo - Ženska ustvarjalnost od modernizma dalje in prinaša nova spoznanja na področju žensk v arhitekturi, gradbeništvu, oblikovanju, urbanizmu in krajinski arhitekturi v Evropi in širše. Razdeljena je v osem poglavij, ki združujejo 116 prispevkov na temo o njihovi izobraženosti, kulturni zapuščini, vključevanju v stanovska združenja ali njihovim prispevkom h kulturnemu turizmu in stroki ter raziskovanju njihovega dela. Zaključi jo poglavje z grafičnimi prilogami.
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