The Redeemer's Glory Unveiled
Description:... THE REDEEMERÕS GLORY UNVEILED OR THE EXCELLENCY OF CHRIST VINDICATED IN THE ANTIQUITY OF HIS PERSON AS GOD-MAN, before the World began. Though personally differing from Mr. Stockell, {not so much in disagreement, as more from sheer incomprehension, and a sense of caution from that which our mind is not entirely able to ascertain from the Scriptures of Truth, } from his views regarding the preexistence of ChristÕs human soul, a view which Mr. Joseph Hussey, {his ÔfatherÕ in the faith, } firmly advocated before him; nevertheless, we find in this treatise much that engages the thoughts unto a heavenly contemplation of the glories of the Redeemer. This important contribution to the written Annals of Free & Sovereign Grace should not {according to our humble estimation} lay buried in the rubble of so-called ÔChurch History, Õ from whence it would never be extracted by those {Church Historians & Theology Professors} that would style themselves the guardians of our faith.
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