Captain Thom and Orions Thunder
Description:... ORIONS THUNDER
Supply fleets to Mars USA have been attacked with great damage and loss of life by an alien force that seems to want to prevent Earth from using Mars or the space around it. Nothing is known about the aliens, where they come from, or what they are doing in our solar system. The Destroyer USSN Orion is given a special mission to lure the alien into battle by trickery if needed with the intention of getting their ship or as much of it as possible. The Orion was nearly destroyed in an earlier engagement. Now rebuilt and heavily armed, its crew of 47 men and women will try to put themselves in front of aliens guns. R.E.Wilder is retired from 35 years in Laser and Electrooptic engineering. Those years in industry and university writing reports left in him a desire to write fiction. His novel, Orions Thunder, is the first in that endeavor. The basis for many of the characters come from his experiences with past associates and companions in science and elsewhere who have had an impact on him and the world around them. The technology used in the novel is inspired by his experience, and a bit of imagination.
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