Cerebral and Spinal Computed Tomography
Description:... The numerous technical developments in diagnostic imaging and the expanding sprectrum of neurological disease called for a third edition of this standard work. The concept proven to be successful during the past two decades of combining the expertise of neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons has been maintained. This is the only way to cover diagnostic imaging from a theoretical as well as a practial standpoint, especially with regard to surgery. The didactic element of the book has also been maintained and emphasised even more than ever. The first section of the book consists of an introduction to the technical procedures of diagnostic imaging and has been extended to include several new methods such as spiral-CT and 3D-reconstruction. Subsequently, normal findings are presented to describe the anatomy of the human brain. Building on these fundamentals the various diseases and malformations are illustrated extensively in the following chapters. The presentation of the radiological images as clearly organised charts often accompanied by matching diagrams is of incomparable didactic value. All the radiological images have been completely replaced by new ones to reflect the high image quality of today's new equipment. Tabular presentation of the differential diagnoses provides quick access to essential information. Even this section was revised extensively, for example, by introducing a table about the varying densities of different tumours. Furthermore, the various diagnostic methods are compared with one another, especially in regard to the application of computed tomography as opposed to magnetic resonance tomography. The radiologist and the treating physician are thus given an invaluable decision-making aid. New therpeutic strategies were also taken into consideration, such as the interventional appraoches. There is also a new chapter about AIDS. In accordance with the significance of computed tomography in diagnostic imaging today, this book provides an unparalleled and up-to-date work that presents detailed information in a concise manner.
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