what is your perception for earning?
Description:... A person uses and follows particular perception to earn money, respect, love, care, success, happiness, relationship and freedom in his whole life span according to country, culture, life style, religion and society norms in which he sometimes achieves what he wants but most of times, he faces failure at personal as well as at professional levels; why? Because somewhere a person is wrong in his perceptions for another person or subject or situation or outcomes. With time, not only evolution, civilization, industrialisation, commmercialisation, culture, society and religion changed human perceptions in negative manner but also due to comparison, competition, jealousy, greed, politics etc kinds of negative thinking and behaviors boosted such wrong thinking patterns. Hence this book is help for every human being who uses wrong perceptions at personal as well as professional levels. By reading this book, a person will come to know how, why, where, for what and for whom he is wrong in his perceptions. There is no techniques mentioned here for execution of task and taking decision like how to manage and control situations as execution of task and taking decision is again upto individual perception. Here in this book, there is mentioned of modification in thinking patterns which helps a person how, why, for whom, for what and when to execute task and take decision.
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