Introduction to Java Programming is a book for software developers to familiarize them with the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP). The book enables the reader to understand the basic features of Java. The line-by-line explanation of the source code, a unique feature of the book, enables the students to gain a thorough and practical understanding of Java. The chapters in this book are structured in a pedagogical sequence, which makes this book very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software.
Salient Features
Each concept discussed in the book is exemplified by an application to clarify and facilitate better understanding.
This book introduces the key ideas of object-oriented programming in an innovative way. The concepts are illustrated through best programs, covering the basic aspects of Java.
Additional information is provided to the users in the form of notes.
There is an extensive use of examples, schematic representation, screen captures, tables, and programming exercises.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Java
Chapter 2: Fundamental Elements in Java
Chapter 3: Control Statements and Arrays
Chapter 4: Classes and Objects
Chapter 5: Inheritance
Chapter 6: Packages, Interfaces, and Inner Classes
Chapter 7: Exception Handling
Chapter 8: Multithreading
Chapter 9: String Handling
Chapter 10: Introduction to Applets and Event Handling
Chapter 11: Abstract Window Toolkit
Chapter 12: The Java I/O System