The first book in an epic six-volume, 3,000 page Trilogy, with achingly beautiful, thought-provoking, thoroughly unique and skillfully crafted collections of poetry, short stories, and romantic verse, that portray the heartfelt and truly profound endeavor as a timeless and deeply memorable wedding of Word and Art . . .
A wing-swept journey through the Universe, beginning in the heart of a 'fallen angel' called Ever, as he wanders through the chances and circumstances of humanity, as he drifts within the vast emptiness of his abandonment and exile among the stars, along with all the far-reaching consequences his self-serving pursuit of an ideal has brought to bear upon all Creation, and especially upon his beloved Always, whose tears are the river of this tale . . .
A journey that unfolds around his surrender to a spiritual awakening, and ends with his discovery and final embrace of a remarkably simple notion - when fools set out to find what they already possess, they discover only the follies of men . . . born of an ancient yet unremembered legend, a fairy's tale, old as rhyme and even Time itself, captured in the echoes of uncountable voices across the millennia, comes an achingly beautiful love story, wrapped in the mists and myths of a place called Avalon, and whispering of the mysteries and majesties of God . . .
A thoroughly unique collection of short stories and lyrical prose, called DoveTales, that weave an amazing trilogy of dreams into the most vibrant threads of faith, courage, and devotion, which are all then so cleverly crafted to become a glorious tapestry of love, loss, and the triumph of love, again . . . as seen through the eyes of Angels, as they peer into the very hearts and souls of those who always seem to search for Glory, when all they really ever need, is Grace . . .
And who might enjoy reading this story ?
Demographically speaking, any female between the ages of 9 and 90; any male between those very same benchmarks who would like to get to know those females (who now have a remarkably heightened view of themselves after reading it, and a whole new set of standards for those males to measure up to) . . .
anyone possessing even a small spark of spiritual insight or inclination, and would be open to considering a vastly simple concept of where they might fit in the grand scheme of things, and the quite attainable realities of their role within it . . .
anyone possessing a sense of wonder, and a welcoming regard for a heavenly presence in their world, along with the acknowledgement and embrace of the more compassionate virtues such as patience, tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness, with all respect given to uplifting the human condition beyond measure . . .
anyone seeking a remarkably different view of mankind, as it relates to womankind; a dramatically elevated concept regarding the Feminine Ideal and its divine or spiritual significance . . . that will turn all male-dominated religious biases and historically gender-centric portrayals of a woman's place, position or importance in the pantheon of God's cast of characters, on its collective head . . .
anyone seeking inspirational, lyrical, romantic, or poetic verse or prose, and wishes to explore alternative expressions of inspired, enlightened, theological, or purpose-driven thought . . . are fully cognizant and accepting of a Christian paradigm of living, and believe that when our creative knowledge embraces our artistic desires, we can achieve global understanding . . .