XXI Bienal Colombiana de Arquitectura 2008
Description:... The catalogue presents the wining projects and special mentions recognized in the Biennale of Architecture held October 2008 at the Centro de Convenciones in Cartagena de Indias, in Colombia. The different prizes included: Winner of category Urban and Regional Planning with Prize Leopoldo Rother for Proyecto Urbano Integral (PUI) nororiental, Comunas 1 y 2, Medellin, Antioquia by Arq. Alejandro Echeverri Restrepo, Arq. Carlos Mario Rodriguez Osorio and Arq. Carlos Alberto Montoya Correa; winner of category Urbanism and Landscape with Prize Karl Brunner was for Proyecto Peatonalizacion Carrera 14, Armenia, Quindo by Arq. Jorge Mario Restrepo Restrepo; winner of category Architectural Design with Prize Fernando Martinez Sanabria for Cenizarios del Gimnasio Moderno, Bogota D.C. by Arq. Christian Binkele; winner of category Architecture of Interiors with Prize Dicken Castro for Edificio Julio Mario Santo Domingo, Pisos 7 y 8, Universidad de los Andes, Bogota D.C by Arq. Daniel Bonilla and others; winner of category Restoration of Patrimony with Prize Carlos Arbelaez Camacho for Restoration of the Centro Civico y el Edificio de Despachos Judiciales Lara Bonilla, Barranquilla, Atlantico by Arq. Roberto Rafael Angulo Garcia; and the winner of category Theory, History and Criticism with Prize Carlos Martinez Jimenez for Arquitectura en Colombia y el sentido del lugar: ultimos 25 anos, Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos, Regional Bogota y Cundinamarca.
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