Reading Framework for the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 1992-1998
NAEP Reading Consensus Project
Description:... This booklet presents the Reading Framework for the 1992, 1994, and 1998 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). Developed through a national consensus process as part of an effort to move assessment forward, the framework presented in the booklet is more consistent with contemporary knowledge about reading and more relevant to the needs of education decisionmakers than earlier assessments have been. After an overview and introduction, the first chapter of the booklet discusses the development of the Reading Framework. The second chapter discusses the design of the Reading Framework, including: a goal for reading literacy education, constructing, extending, and examining meaning; and constructing the assessment. The third chapter addresses special studies (on oral reading, portfolios, and metacognition) and background information. Contains 10 references. Appendixes list members of the Steering and Planning committees, and present 9 sample items. (RS)
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