A Prophylactic Program for the Prevention of Otitis Externa in Saturation Divers
Description:... A prophylactic regimen for the prevention of otitis externa was on five saturation dives. The dives totaled 78 days, no dive being shorter than ten days. A total of 26 subjects participated in the dives. The regimen consisted of irrigating the ear canals with a 2% acetic in aluminum acetate solution each morning and evening and after each head immersion. When compared to a set of base period dives of similar length, during which no ear prophylactic regimen was used, the incidence of otitis externa was markedly lower in the test dives. The initial success of the prophylactic regimen is attributed to the strength of the acetic acid solution used and the regimented manner in which the irrigations were administered. A review of the literature revealed that preparations similar to the one used in this study have been used successfully to prevent otitis externa during dives when the subjects were cooperative and used the preparations in a consistent and systematic way. (Author)
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