A Comprehensive text book for Herbal Drug Technology
As per new syllabus prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India (BP 603 T)
Description:... This Concise text book gives the knowledge of basic understanding of Herbal Drug Industry, the Quality of raw material, Guidelines for Quality of herbal drugs, Herbal cosmetics, Natural sweeteners, Nutraceuticals etc. This book also emphasizes on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Patenting and Regulatory issues of herbal drugs which are comprehensively presented in all the chapters, which will assist to understand the material in a smarter way. This textbook serves as an invaluable resource for anyone with a deep interest in unlocking the therapeutic potential of plants and translating it into effective herbal medicines. All efforts have been made to present the subject in student friendly and easy to understand. This book is a genuine effort to clarify the basics of Herbal Drug Technology in an effortless and interesting manner and as per the syllabus prescribed for the B. Pharm semester VI students by Pharmacy Council of India.
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