Fish Reproduction
Strategies and Tactics
Description:... Introduction: tactics and strategies in fish reproduction; Plasticity for age and size at sexual maturity: a life-history response to unavoidable stress; Patterns in the evolution of reproductive styles in fishes; Sunfish, salmon, and the evolution of alternative reproductive strategies and tactics in fishes; Genetics of sex determination in fishes - a brief review; Progenetic tendencies in deep-sea fishes; Sex reversal and sociodemographic processes in coral reef fishes; The tokology of gobioid fishes; Reproduction in estuarine fish; Geographical variation in the life-history tactics of some species of freshwater fish; The role of environmental factors in the timing of reproductive cycles; Control of the timing of ovulation by exogenous and endogenous factors; Parental behaviour in temperate marine teleosts with special reference to the development of nest structures; Behavioural aspects of cichlid reproductive strategies: patterns of territorially and brood defence in central american substratum spawners and African mouth brooders; Implications of parental care of offspring for the anti-predator behaviour of adult male and female three-spined sticklebacks, Gasterosteus aculeatus L.; Reproductive tactics: a non-event in aquaculture?; A comparison of the reproductive tactics and strategies of cod, haddock, whiting and norway pout in the north sea; Allocation of resources to gonad and soma in Atlantic Herring Clupea harengus L.; Fitness of different reproductive strategies in teleost fishes; Reproductive strategies and the response to exploitation.
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