Description:... John Charles Ryle (May 10, 1816 - June 10, 1900) was an evangelical Anglican clergyman and first Bishop of Liverpool. He was renowned for his powerful preaching and extensive tracts. "Except you repent, you shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3 The text which heads this page, at first sight, looks stern and severe, "Except you repent, you shall all perish." I can fancy someone saying, "Is this the Gospel?" "Are these the glad tidings? Are these the good news of which ministers speak?" "This is a hard saying, who can hear it?" (John 6:60.) But from whose lips did these words come? They came from the lips of One who loves us with a love that passes knowledge, even Jesus Christ, the Son of God. They were spoken by One who so loved us that He left heaven for our sakes-came down to earth for our sakes-lived a poor, humble life, for three and thirty years on earth for our sakes-went to the cross for us, went to the grave for us, and died for our sins. The words that come from lips like these, must surely be words of love.
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