Saval Ranch Research and Evaluation Project
Progress Report for 1983
Description:... "The Saval Ranch Research and Evaluation Project was initiated in May, 1978. The overall objective is to evaluate the effects of livestock grazing management systems and range improvement practices on livestock production, vegetation, fish and wildlife and their habitat, watershed hydrology, water quality, economic factors, and other resource values. The Project is conducted on the Saval Ranch, privately owned enterprise located in northeastern Nevada. The ranch, livestock and grazing allotment are made available for this interdisciplinary study by the Saval Ranching Co. ... Funding and support are provided by the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, Agricultural Research Service, and Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Nevada, Reno. This progress report describes the allotment management and results of scientific investigations for the period October 1, 1982 through September 30, 1983. In addition, it provides a summary of organizational changes that have occurred since October 1, 1983"--Page 1
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