Haspels Addenda
Additional References to C. H. E. Haspels, Attic Black-figured Lekythoi
Description:... Attic Black Figured-Lekythoi by C.H.E. Haspels was a groundbreaking work on Greek black-figure workshop vases, and is held by most archaeological libraries. Haspels Addenda is a valuable reference source, providing new information on and recording references to new illustrations of the more than 1,500 Greek black-figured vases catalogued by Haspels. The references are taken from books and periodicals received by the Sackler Library, formerly the Ashmolean Library, Oxford. Changes in the whereabouts of vases are included, together with references to vases added by Sir John Beazley to Haspels' lists. The format of this volume follows that that of Beazley Addenda. Similarly, Haspels Addenda is based on the Beazley Archive's database of Athenian black- and red-figure vases, which was inaugurated by the Beazley Archivist, Professor Donna Kurtz, and the Lincoln Professor of Art and Archaeology, Sir John Boardman, in 1979.
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