Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher
Beiträge für die deutsch-jüdische Emigrantenzeitung "Aufbau" 1941-1945
Description:... Most of the articles in Section 1, "Der jüdische Krieg, der nicht stattfindet: 'Aufbau'-Texte Oktober 1941 bis November 1942" (pp. 13-104), are pleas for the creation of a Jewish army to participate on an equal basis with the armies of other nations in the war against Nazism, and thus win the Jews freedom and acceptance through their own efforts. Section 3, "Die politische Organisation des jüdischen Volkes: 'Aufbau'-Texte April 1944 bis April 1945" (pp. 127-184) includes four articles lauding Jewish ghetto fighters and partisans: "Für Ehre und Ruhm des jüdischen Volkes" (129-132); "Die Tage der Wandlung" (150-154); "Eine Lehre in sechs Schüssen" (152-157) - all three on the Warsaw ghetto uprising; and "Die Entrechteten und Entwürdigten" (172-176). The editor's postscript (185-221) traces Arendt's awakening to the need for militant self-defense against antisemitism, and the development of her political thought based on her own experience of persecution and statelessness, and also describes the coverage of the Holocaust in the German-American immigrant weekly "Aufbau" which was published in New York.
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