Overcoming Sexual Performance Anxiety
How To Improve Sex Life & Reduce Its Risks On Relationship: How To Get An Erect Penis And Stay Erect
Description:... Sex is supposed to be enjoyable, but it's tough to have fun if you're constantly worrying about how well you're doing. If you want to put the sparkle back in your love life, learn why sexual performance anxiety might be happening to you and get some tips to put yourself at ease.
Direct and without judgement, the author guides you out of sexual performance anxiety, an emotionally-based trap into which many men fall. Once in the trap, men lose their ability to maintain their erection during intimate encounters. The trap is deep and slippery so that the natural ways that men try to get out tightens the trap's grip. This book sheds light onto the problem so that men and their partners may see it clearly while specific lessons and exercises to empower them to escape this painful trap.
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