Deutsche Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie um 1900
zugleich ein Beitrag zur Gründungsgeschichte der Internationalen Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie (IVR)
Description:... Content: I. Theories of State: R. Martin: Democracy and Rights: Two Perspectives - G. den Hartogh: The Limits of Liberal Neutrality - M. Blegvad: Types of Liberal Theories of Justice and Democracy - P. Gerard: Ethique et politique dans la legitimation du droit - A. Perenic: La primaute de l'individu ou la primaute du systeme politique - E. Wolgast: The State as Servant - V. Haksar: Social Contract, Integrity and the Right to Equal Liberties - II. Theories of Law: J. Cottingham: The Philosophical Status of Natural Rights - T. A. Fay: Rights and Natural Law - S. Morimura: Social Morality and Right-Based Moralities - M. D. Bayles: Against Right-Based Moral Theories - C. Johnson: On Some Alleged Difficulties for Utilitarian Justifications of Rights - H. v. Erp: Democracy: Pragmatic Conceptions and Ethical Justification - A. M. Cameron: MacCormick's Liberal Theory of Rights - F. A. Cappelletti: De la libre pensee au droit a la libre communication des pensees et des opinions - H. Collins: Liberty and Equality in the Workplace - B. B. Levenbook: Are There Any Positive Rights? - H. T. Klami: All Things Not Considered - R. Alexy: Problems of Discursive Rationality in Law - A. Aarnio: Taking Rules Seriously - J.-P. Rentto: Obligation to Obey? - A. MacLeod: Rights, Constraints and Consequences - I. Williams: Legal Rights and Privacy in the Information Society
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