Smiling Troubles
Description:... True Life "Notables" happen to everyone, every day, all over the place. When the "Troubles" of life are embarrassing, awkward, or uncomfortable, Jennifer usually brags about them with a "Smile." Through humorous autobiographical anecdote adventures, she shares the mucky, sometimes messy mundane bits and pieces of her troubled yesterdays. A small number of fine folks wrote words about the "Troubles" they read-ahead of publishing time. "It's like you're talking to me." "I'd buy the book!" "I laughed at times until my sides hurt." "What a hoot! I especially liked the wet pants one." "I enjoyed story number one-the red thunderbird, the boots, and the tongue that never got a chance to lick! ...You have a way of lighting up a room and making sour pickles like me smile. That's special." "I laughed so hard reading your true life adventures. Maybe because I know you a little, but I can just picture you doing this stuff! Keep writing. My only complaint is that they are too short."
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