Der Todeszug von Iași 1941
ein Überlebender des grössten Pogroms in Rumänien erinnert sich
Description:... Memoirs of a Jew (born as Jacques Zwieback) who describes the Iaşi massacre in July 1941, during which ca. 10,000 Jews were murdered. The Jews were driven into the court of the police headquarters in Iaşi, where Romanian and German soldiers haphazardly shot into the crowd, on orders of the Antonescu regime. Corpses were piled up and thrown into mass graves. The survivors of the massacre were crowded into livestock wagons destined for labor camps, and 2,200 died from asphyxiation. Zwieback and his mother escaped and hid in their home. His father was sent to the Calarasi labor camp, but released shortly after. Most of Zwieback's relatives and friends were killed.
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