How Do You Spell Ruzevelt?
Description:... Much was a t stake in early America a s its people struggled to use a n evolving language to meet the challenge of new political, economic, a nd social a rrangements. It should come a s no surprise, then, that language - in both its spoken a nd written forms - is fundamentally entwined in national a nd personal identity. Publishers, politicians, dreamers, schemers, a nd reformers understood its importance early on, a nd they sought to bend language to their will. While some think spelling is no longer relevant because of spell check, the a uthor - who grew up participating in spelling bees - disagrees. She explores the rich history of language a nd spelling, a nd a nswers questions such a s: Which founding father proposed eliminating the letters J a nd C from the a lphabet? Who spells better: boys or girls? Who won the first national spelling bee? the a uthor a lso explores her own love a nd difficulties with spelling, including the mistake that bounced her out of the 1961 National Spelling Bee. Whether you're a historian, educator, student or simply someone passionate a bout the written word, you'll be delighted by the fun-filled facts a nd a nswers to obscure questions in How Do You Spell Ruzevelt?
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