General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
Report of the Twenty-ninth Session, Rome, 21-25 February 2005
Description:... The session was attended by delegates from all twenty-four Members of the Commission. The Commission decided that the new headquarters of GFCM will be in Palazzo Blumenstihl, Rome, Italy. The Commission agreed that Members would exceptionally participate in the ballots for the selection of the Executive Secretary, provided that they contribute their share to the GFCM autonomous budget prior to the end of 2005. Through interviews and secret ballots, the Commission selected its Executive Secretary. It also agreed on the mandate and on the procedure for the selection of the Deputy Executive Secretary. The Commission established formally the Coordinating Meeting of the Sub-Committees (CMSC) as a subsidiary body of Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), as well as a Permanent Working Group on Stock Assessment Methodologies.
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